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Info About the Association of Transformational Leaders Australia (ATLA)

How did the ATL™ begin?

The global parent organisation, the Association of Transformational Leaders™ (ATL™) grew in response to an identified interest emerging from the success of the Transformational Leadership Council (TLC). The TLC was originally convened in July, 2004 by Jack Canfield when he called a couple dozen colleagues together who were engaged in doing transformational work on the planet. Since then membership in TLC has grown by invitation only, to approximately 120 individuals, and is strictly limited. 

Whereas TLC membership is limited to individuals who are owners of a transformational company or who have made a contribution to the transformation industry, ATL™ is regionally organized and open to high-functioning individuals of influence who have a history of facilitating transformation in their fields. 

The first regionally organized ATL™ event was held in Minneapolis in 2008, ATL SoCal™ was the second regional ATL™ group formed in 2010. Since then, other ATL™ regional groups have formed in various locations around the world, with Australia being initiated in 2019.

What is the purpose of the ATL Australia (ATLA)?

We stand for connection, collaboration, learning, networking, freedom, community, growth and mutual support. 

The Association of Transformational Leaders Australia (ATLA) is a group for individuals of significant influence in artistic, academic, social, corporate and humanitarian endeavors, devoted to doing transformational work in their respective fields. 

Our purpose is to join together to initiate and sustain on-going communication and education that enhances our transformational leadership capabilities. 

Our members have the intention and desire to attend our two meetings each year because they embody a commitment to foster community and relationship with and among other members, and develop and grow themselves to be of maximum value to others and the planet. 

By attending ATLA events, transformational leaders have an opportunity to stay engaged with high-level information and processes while connecting with other leaders who have made significant contributions in the world. ATLA is open to high-functioning individuals that have been identified by their peers as having a history of facilitating transformation in their fields and invited by a current member. Participation is by invitation only. 

**Please read through this page thoroughly before emailing us with questions as your answer may already be listed below. Thanks for your understanding

Who are the speakers at ATLA events?

Speakers consist of members of ATLs from around the world alongside invited special guests. Previous speakers at other ATL meetings have included Eckhart Tolle, (the Power of Now) Arianna Huffington, Neale Donald Walsch, (Conversations with God), Marianne Williamson, John Gray (Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus), Marci Shimoff (Happy for No reason), Lisa Nichols, and of course, Jack Canfield (Chicken soup for the Soul), to name a few.

Where and when are the events held?

Each country/location holds their ATL™ events specific to their location and usually twice a year. For instance ATL SoCal holds their events in Southern California. ATL Australia hold their twice yearly events in a various locations (and now also virtually) around Australia. Once a member of an ATL, you may be eligible to attend other ATL events around the world.

Who are the members?

The current Members are on our members page. Membersare by invitation/nomination only and you must know an ATL member personally to be nominated. Members are able to nominate ONE new member a year and not all nominations are accepted.

Can I know who is part of ATL Australia to see if its right for me?

The ATL is a private group, and until a nominated member commits to being a member and is listed in the members directory we are not at liberty to share their information. The ATL is about giving, about how you can contribute, how you can make a difference, how you can support and how you can grow into an even better version of yourself. Rather than focusing on who is in the group we're looking for people whose focus on how we can collectively serve the group. Members are initially nominated by a current ATL or TLC member, then selected as a member to ensure our ATL members have diversity and a range of interests, focus and impact. Members of ATLs internationally are some of the most well-known and respected authors, leaders and trainers in the world.

I received an email saying I've been nominated. What do I do now?

There are great answers to a lot of your questions here, or you can definitely get a strong feeling about the organization from the person who nominated you. If you’re interested in becoming a Member, then click the link in the email/pdf you received and purchase a ticket to our next event. We are inviting you to attend so that we can get to know you and you can get to know us and we can mutually decide if it's a fit.

Once I'm a member, can I nominate my spouse?

With limited memberships for the entire country, ATL Australia's policy is to have one person in a partnership as the member, and that member can bring their spouse to events. We feel giving your spouse a membership, when they can come to the event anyway, is using up one of our limited memberships. We thank you for your understanding. Members must attend 2 events - at least one of them in-person - before they are eligible to nominate new members.

What happens at an ATL event?

Every event is different, most ATL's have local and international speakers who are doing amazing things in the personal development space. These events are about helping the transformational leaders be the best they can be, to ensure they can go out into the world and make an even greater impact.

In-person ATL events are 2 full days at various locations around Australia and virtual events are an evening and a full day. In addition, throughout the year we hold vitural Casual Catchups - evening Zoom gatherings that last about an hour to an hour and a half every couple of months. Sometimes leaders and experts in the personal development space find it challenging to drop deep into personal growth seminars or even to attend them as they are busy running their own. The ATL is a safe space to be who you truly are, all your amazingness, your flaws, your brilliance, your vulnerabilities, your uniqueness, your challenges... the real you. It's an opportunity to let go of your 'leader' persona and just be you - another human looking to become a better version of yourself.

Are there annual dues in addition to the event tickets?

Annual dues are payable each year. As a new member candidate, you get to attend your first event without paying dues. Just purchase an event ticket, come to the event, and then if you decide that ATL™ membership is a good fit for you the dues can be handled after the event.

Can I bring my spouse to the event?

Yes you sure can.

How do I apply for membership?

Membership in the ATL™ is by invitation/nomination only. If your life’s work is a commitment to transformation (for people, for business, for the planet, for the arts) and you are well-acquainted with one of our current members (or a member of the TLC or other international ATL), then ask them to discuss whether ATL™ is a good fit for you, and whether or not they would be willing to nominate you as a new member candidate.

If I can’t accept the nomination now, can I become a member later?

It’s possible. The same member who nominated you this time may choose to use their annual nomination (one nomination a year only) to nominate you again in the future, or a different member may nominate you. We only accept a certain number of new members per year, therefore there is no guarantee that your nomination would be accepted again.

Where are the chapters of ATL™ located?

There are currently active ATL™ chapters in the following locations:

Minneapolis, MN, USA (ATL Midwest™)

Los Angeles, CA, USA (ATL Southern California™)

Toronto, ON, Canada (ATL Toronto™)

Costa Rica (ATL Costa Rica™)

New York City, NY (ATL NYC™)

Australia (ATL Australia™)


Additional groups are in various stages of forming in the following locations:


Hong Kong


Once I'm an ATL Australia member, can I visit other ATLs around the world?

You may be eligible to attend other ATLs we give you details of the different ATLs and the criteria for attending their meetings once you're officially an ATL Australia member.

How do I connect with ATL Australia?

By contacting us one of the three email addresses below:

For general enquiries: [email protected]

Membership questions: [email protected]

Events questions: [email protected]

Copyright 2019-2021 Association of Transformational Leaders Australia